For starters, I'm gonna say that Ebert and Roeper can go suck it. If you guys didn't like this film, then that's your problem-- ya'll missed out.
This film is a cinematic piece of artwork-- it is a visual orgasm (if you'll pardon the expression.) Every camera angle, every piece of clothing, every character, every color is precise and perfect. Baz Luhrman has, once again, been able to take the bleary and plain canvas of the Australian Outback and managed to splash his masterpiece upon it.
The story tells of Lady Sarah Ashley (played by the unusually droll Nicole Kidman, but more on that later) who moves to her husband's cattle ranch, Faraway Downs, in Darwin, Australia. She plans on taking over the place from her incompetent husband, selling it, and bringing her husband back to "civilized" England. Upon her arrival, she is greeted by the gritty and mysterious Drover (the wonderful and sexy Hugh Jackman), who takes her to her ranch. They find that Lord Ashley has been murdered by someone-- supposedly the Aboriginal magic man, King George. With some persuasion by the half-caste Aboriginal child Nullah (played by my new favorite rising star Brandon Walters) Lady Ashley decides to stay and run Faraway Downs herself. With the help of Nullah, Drover, and others from the ranch, the fine English lady becomes a hard-boiled Outback girl-- and of course (since this is Baz Luhrman we're talking about) falls promptly in love with Drover.
First, let's talk about the actors. Unfortunately, for some reason, Nicole Kidman is boring in this film. She just seems to coast throughout the film, not really popping on-screen like she normally does. It's almost as if she's saying "Oh, I'm Australian and I'm in a movie about Australia-- I'm good, I don't really need to try." Frankly, I was disappointed in her performance.
Now, on to Hugh Jackman. Mr. Wolverine-- contrary to his leading lady-- was at the top of his game. He performed like a trooper-- embracing his Australian-ness and playing the character of Drover like an Outback Clint Eastwood. Also, just for the ladies (and, some guys out there) he is physically the best he's ever been. I'm talking, hairy chests, muscles, and six-packs for days! Mmmm....I'd love to get ahold of him in the Outback--- ahem....sorry....excuse me....
But the real story is with newcomer Brandon Walters, who plays the half-white, half-Aboriginal child Nullah. The boy is, quite simply, amazing. At twelve years old, the boy manages to keep up with and even outshine some of the veteran actors he shares the screen with. I hope to see him in future productions.
Other, minor characters, manage to steal scenes as well. David Wenham (who normally plays benign characters such as Friar Carl in Van Helsing) does fantastically as the evil villain Fletcher. He's sadistic and conniving in a way that still makes him human.
So all in all, I give this movie my stamp of approval. Girls, it's a love story worth seeing-- so go drag your boyfriends to the cinema for this one!
This film is a cinematic piece of artwork-- it is a visual orgasm (if you'll pardon the expression.) Every camera angle, every piece of clothing, every character, every color is precise and perfect. Baz Luhrman has, once again, been able to take the bleary and plain canvas of the Australian Outback and managed to splash his masterpiece upon it.
The story tells of Lady Sarah Ashley (played by the unusually droll Nicole Kidman, but more on that later) who moves to her husband's cattle ranch, Faraway Downs, in Darwin, Australia. She plans on taking over the place from her incompetent husband, selling it, and bringing her husband back to "civilized" England. Upon her arrival, she is greeted by the gritty and mysterious Drover (the wonderful and sexy Hugh Jackman), who takes her to her ranch. They find that Lord Ashley has been murdered by someone-- supposedly the Aboriginal magic man, King George. With some persuasion by the half-caste Aboriginal child Nullah (played by my new favorite rising star Brandon Walters) Lady Ashley decides to stay and run Faraway Downs herself. With the help of Nullah, Drover, and others from the ranch, the fine English lady becomes a hard-boiled Outback girl-- and of course (since this is Baz Luhrman we're talking about) falls promptly in love with Drover.
First, let's talk about the actors. Unfortunately, for some reason, Nicole Kidman is boring in this film. She just seems to coast throughout the film, not really popping on-screen like she normally does. It's almost as if she's saying "Oh, I'm Australian and I'm in a movie about Australia-- I'm good, I don't really need to try." Frankly, I was disappointed in her performance.
Now, on to Hugh Jackman. Mr. Wolverine-- contrary to his leading lady-- was at the top of his game. He performed like a trooper-- embracing his Australian-ness and playing the character of Drover like an Outback Clint Eastwood. Also, just for the ladies (and, some guys out there) he is physically the best he's ever been. I'm talking, hairy chests, muscles, and six-packs for days! Mmmm....I'd love to get ahold of him in the Outback--- ahem....sorry....excuse me....
But the real story is with newcomer Brandon Walters, who plays the half-white, half-Aboriginal child Nullah. The boy is, quite simply, amazing. At twelve years old, the boy manages to keep up with and even outshine some of the veteran actors he shares the screen with. I hope to see him in future productions.
Other, minor characters, manage to steal scenes as well. David Wenham (who normally plays benign characters such as Friar Carl in Van Helsing) does fantastically as the evil villain Fletcher. He's sadistic and conniving in a way that still makes him human.
So all in all, I give this movie my stamp of approval. Girls, it's a love story worth seeing-- so go drag your boyfriends to the cinema for this one!