Thursday, January 29, 2009

WTF: The Comedian Is On Grey's Anatomy

So, last Thursday I sat down to my usual viewing of "The Office." It was a fantastically hilarious episode, as usual (see, "Hilary Swank: Hot or Not" debate,) but after it was over I was bored and had nothing else to do. One of my suitemates was off studying somewhere, and the other was doing her usual thing of partying and debauchery. Well, I picked myself up and walked myself next door to my friend KP's room. When I walked in, I discovered that she was immersed in an episode of "Grey's Anatomy." Now, I'm one of the few vagina-possessing creatures that doesn't really like this show. I find it unrealistic in that icky way. I myself have never had a smoking-hot doctor, nor have anyone I ever known ever gotten laid by their hot lady doctors.

But I digress.

I decided to watch anyway, and had KP talk me through what was happening. Which basically went like this:

"Okay, so he was a patient of hers and they fell in love and then he died... And now she's seeing his ghost and they slept together, although I don't know how you can sleep with a ghost... Oh and this kid is dying 'cause he can't get organs and I think he dies at the end of this episode... But anyway, this guy is in prison and he got sick and now she's taking care of him... Oh but the ghost guy is coming back for her cause it's like her time y'know what I'm saying?"

But again, I digress.

Anyway, while I was trying to muscle my way past Katharing Heigl's bad acting, I noticed that her ghostly lover was in fact Jeffrey Dean Morgan-- the guy who plays the Comedian in the upcoming Watchmen film! How awkward is that? Upon realizing this, I simply turned around to KP and said, "Y'know they killed him off to give him an actual acting career right?" Which was kinda mean.

But it is quite odd that he went from being the "sensitive, dying guy" to a total badass, cigar-smoking, manly hot, vigilante. Given his semi-pained look throughout the episode, I think he fits in more with the latter. All I can say is thank God for Zack Snyder and Warner Brothers for pulling him out of that dreck that is "Grey's Anatomy."

So that was your "WTF Moment of the Day."

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