Thursday, January 8, 2009

Top Ten Movie Heroes and Villains

#10 Hero: Indiana Jones
Why He's A Hero: He's book-smart, he's tough, he's a smartass, and he always gets the girl. Plus, he's a big softy when it comes to ancient relics. Instead of hocking them on the black market, he diligently proclaims that "it belongs in a museum." *Sigh* We love you Dr. Jones.

#10 Villain: The Wicked Witch of The West
Villainous One-Liner: "I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog too!" Hates little farm girls and small animals-- you can't get much meaner than that. Plus, she's green! When someone is green, you know that they're pretty villainous.

#9 Hero: R.P. McMurphy
Heroic Qualities: Crazy, funny, sexy (in that early Jack Nicholson way,) and IRISH! He led a bunch of run-down, low-life, nuts against the proverbial "system" in Nurse Ratched. Everyone loves a rebel. How much more heroism to you need?!

#9 Villain: Bill Lumbergh
Why He's A Villain: The drawling voice, those loud ties, and that mug...what about this guy doesn't scream evil?! He makes Peter Gibbons work on weekends, refuses to get that damned copy machine fixed, and he took Milton's little red stapler.

# 8 Hero(es): The Fellowship of the Ring
Heroism 101: These guys showed us what the meaning of teammwork and heroism are-- and they did it in tights. The Fellowship managed to overcome racial differences (because dwarves don't roll with elves) and temptations (we're talking to you Boromir) and overthrew a big ol' evil eye. Impressive.

# 8 Villain: Sauron
Why He's Evil: He's an eye. Just an eye. That's it. And yet somehow he managed to gather armies around Middle Earth and wreak havoc on all good folks. That's pretty bad ass.

#7 Hero: Marv
An Unconventional Hero: Yeah, he's big. Yeah, he's ugly. And yeah, maybe he does get a little too violent sometimes. But, hey, that's why we love him! This Sin City hero won our hearts over with his soft spot for dames and made us cheer for the slightly dysfunctional underdog when he sought revenge for his hooker with a heart of gold. You go, Marv!

#7 Villain: Joan Crawford
Eyebrows of Evil: Go ahead, try looking at a wire hanger without thinking of Joan can't, can you? Not after seeing Mommie Dearest. This woman just eeked villian-- from her perfectly manicured toes all the way up to her hellaciously thick eyebrows. Holy hell, she could've took one of those off and beat you to death with it. Nothing screams evil like thick, dark eyebrows...

#6 Hero: Luke Skywalker
Why He's A Hero: Yeah, yeah, some say that Han Solo should be the hero but I tend to disagree. Luke took the ultimate hero's journey and discovered his ability to be a master Jedi, rejected the Dark Side, and ultimately saved his father's soul. Good for you Luke...good for you...

#6 Villain: Alex Forrest
My Personal Vendetta: Okay, so maybe I list her as a villain for personal reasons. But after Fatal Attraction men everywhere got the idea that blond, curly-headed women are absolutely psycho. And for that, I blame Alex Forrest. Glenn Close, you gave all of us curly-haired blondies a bad name. Shame. On. You.

#5 Hero: General George Patton
An American Hero: He's small, he's bald, he's pissed, and he's got a gun. He's the perfect American patriot! Who can forget that amazing speech he gave in front of the huge American flag? Who can even watch that scene without getting goosebumps? Simply amazing.

#5 Villain:
William Longshanks
Best Villain In Tights:
This Braveheart baddie managed to strike fear in our hearts all while wearing tights! Do you know how hard it is to take someone seriously when they're wearing tights?

#4 Hero:
Cool Hand Luke
Why He's A Hero: The dude can eat fifty eggs in an hour. Fifty! Plus, he managed to rile together a rag-tag chain gang into one big bromance fest. Awesome.

#4 Villain: Humans in Bambi
Sucks To Be Us: C'mon, you have to admit that after you saw Bambi, you hated being human. All they did was kill poor Bambi's parents and wreak havoc on all the cuddly animals in the forest. Man, we just suck at life don't we?

#3 Hero: Rocky

What?: We couldn't understand a word this mush-mouth boxer said, but we just loved the way he said it! He was so great, that filmmakers found it necessary to make five more films about him. And all of em were ten kinds of awesome.

#3 Villain: Jack Torrance

Most Quoted/Parodied Line Ever: "Heeeeeeere's Johnny!!"

#2 Hero: James Bond

Sexiest Hero Ever: Don't think that someone can solve a crime and woo a foreign lady while simultaneously sporting an ungodly hairy chest? Think again.

#2 Villain: Hannibal Lector
Second Most Quoted/Parodies Line Ever: "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."

#1 Hero:
Why He's More Amazing Than Superman: This man changed my life. His is, quite possibly, the most awesome super hero that ever roamed the face of the fictional planet. He's smart, he's sexy, he's rich, and he fights crime! What more can anyone ask for? Superpowers? Pssh, who needs 'em? They're for those pussies like Superman. Plus, Batman doesn't need tights-- he already looks good.

#1 Villain: The Emperor

Creepy Guy In A Robe: No, it's not the Pope. Although they are eerily similar... But this guy orchestrated the fall of the Republic and personally built the Empire with his own two hands-- all by smooth-talking a bunch of aliens. Pretty villainous.

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