Friday, January 9, 2009

Upcoming Superhero Films: You Cast 'Em!

So in recent news, it has been announced that--because of those bastards over at Fox-- that Warner Brothers is putting a hold on production of all their DC superhero films. These films were set to usher in superheroes like Wonder Woman, Superman, the Flash, and Supermax.
Other studios are also attempting to launch superhero movies such as Captain America and Thor.

I'm taking this opportunity to give my opinion on casting. Some of these may seem far-fetched, but hear me out!

Wonder Woman: Carla Gugino (Sin City, Watchmen)
Superman: Brandon Routh (meh, he's a pretty okay Superman)
The Green Lantern: Derek Luke (Friday Night Lights)
The Flash: Ryan Reynolds has always been my choice. But now that he's Deadpool, I dunno if he can play the flash as well...
Supermax: Taylor Lautner (Twilight)
Captain America: Brad Pitt (yeah, that's a little bit of a casting fantasy for me)
Thor: Garrett Hedlund (Friday Night Lights, Troy), Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy, Cold Mountain)

In wake of The Dark Knight fans have been waiting on bated breath to hear about the third installment of Nolan's fantastic franchise. We've heard realistic casting rumours such as Johnny Depp as the Riddler, Rachel Weisz as Catwoman, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin. Some of our fantasies came true when we heard the Angelina Jolie was going to be Catwoman, and some of us just laughed our asses off when we heard Eddie Murphy wanted to be the Riddler. Well, now it's our turn. Here's my ideas for villians and casting:

The Riddler: Johnny Depp. What can I say, he's perfect for this role!
The Penguin: Philip Seymour Hoffman. He makes for a pretty good villain.
Catwoman: I dunno. This is a toughie. I'd have to leave this up to Nolan.
Poison Ivy: Bryce Dallas Howard, Tilda Swinton (ooh, she'd be a creepy Poison Ivy)
Killer Croc: Isaac C. Singleton Jr. (Pirates of the Caribbean)

So there ya go. That's my fantasy casting for these future superhero films. Now, I wanna know who ya'll would want to be cast in some of these roles. So go comment kiddies!


Erik said...

My comic book nerd status is attached to non-superhero material, mostly. So here's what would happen if I were to cast any one of those movies:

ladyhornet_05 said...

Haha, thanks to these I managed to shoot hot Folgers out of my nose. Lol awesome.