Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reasons Why My Suite Mates Think I'm Insane

1. I'm in my room right now watching Rocky Horror Picture Show and doing the audience participation alone. Nothing screams "clinically insane" like an 18 year-old girl yelling "That man has no f@%*ing neck" and "Slut!" at a television by herself.

2. I tend to go into random spasms of dancing. Just yesterday in fact I ran into Kasey's room, looked at her for a slight second and then started doing my patented "Whitest Girl Ever" dance. Then, I proceeded to giggle maniacally and run back into my room.

3. When I cook anything I have to hold it up and go "Om nom nom nom!!" in a loud and obnoxious voice. This tends to creep out my suite mates...except for Jess, who happens to think it's hilarious.

4. Random bouts of hyperactivity often portrays heavy drug use, or lack of proper medication. With me, it's neither. But my suite-mates don't know that, unfortunately. Yet another reason for them to think that I need a nice little jacket that helps me hug myself.

5. Finally, yelling out (in public, no less) "Hey girl, lemme pee in yo' butt!" to any and all my teammates when I see them is highly inappropriate and slightly crazy. It embarrasses them sometimes and this makes them think that I'm kinda loose in the head. Also, my exclamation of happiness is "What what in the butt!" which I don't think is common.

So yeah...sorry Kasey, Lisa, Jess, Johna, and Kassy...I swear I'm completely normal! Well...maybe I'm minorly crazy...only minorly...

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