Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thundercats Fan Trailer

So a few weeks ago, this fan trailer for the yet-made Thundercats: The Movie made its debut online. I must say, it's pretty impressive. Whoever made this used a method called rotoscoping, which is basically just painting over frames. It was used in the film A Scanner Darkly. The fan trailer casts pretty high as well: Brad Pitt as Lion-O, Hugh Jackman as Tygra, Vin Diesel as Panthro, and Halle Berry as Cheetara.

Here's the link to check it out at WorstPreviews:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw the trailer... hahaha! It was cool! The rotoscoping was impressive, it almost looked like a real trailer until I recognized the scene from Troy... *grin*